- Alison Douglass, Barrister, 2014 recipient of the New Zealand Law Foundation International Research Fellowship
- Dr Greg Young, Consultant Psychiatrist, Capital & Coast Health DHB
- Professor John McMillan, Director of the Bioethics Centre, University of Otago
The development of this toolkit follows on from a survey about the educational needs of doctors in carrying out capacity assessments. We especially wish to acknowledge advice and input on tikanga Māori from Dr Jo Baxter, Associate Dean of Māori, University of Otago. Thank you to our many medical, legal and bioethics colleagues who provided helpful feedback and comments on the survey and an earlier draft of the toolkit. Special thanks to: Crawford Duncan, Ben Gray, Lorraine Davison, Sue Walthert, Iris Reuvecamp, and John Dawson; the helpful resources provided by Alex Ruck Keene, barrister, 39 Essex Street Chambers, George Szmukler and Gareth Owen psychiatrists, Kings College London; and, Carmelle Peisah, psychiatrist, Australia.
The authors would like to acknowledge the generous support of the New Zealand Law Foundation