Securing the benefits of research for people who lack capacity
- There are three categories of adults who may lack capacity to consent to their participation in research: firstly, individuals whose diminished capacity is enduring due to a mental or physical impairment; secondly, individuals who temporarily lack capacity, but whose capacity will return; and, thirdly, those with progressively deteriorating capacity.
- Historically, people with intellectual disabilities have experienced disadvantage, over- protection and abuse where their right to give informed consent has been ignored.733 Additionally, research involving temporarily unconscious patients may involve the use of an innovative practice or the evaluation of an established therapeutic treatment in emergency situations where it is not possible to obtain informed consent from the individual concerned.
- As the New Zealand population ages, research on the aging process, and conditions and diseases that disproportionately affect older persons has become increasingly important. Social science research is essential for understanding the social phenomena of aging, such as the increase in residential care for older adults,734 and through observation and understanding the experiences of adults who lack capacity and those who support them.735
- Research participation can be direct, where the person is actively involved in a study and may receive a new treatment, or indirect, where the person’s information or DNA samples are collected and analysed to better understand underlying causes of a particular disorder. This is especially true in biobanks where genetic research is focused on complex impairments such as psychiatric disorders or dementia.736
- Research involving adults who lack capacity to consent can lead to innovations in healthcare that can substantially improve their health and quality of life and that of others with similar conditions. It is therefore important that these adults are given the opportunity to participate in such research.737 To exclude them from any research would be discriminatory and would diminish their ability to participate as fully as possible in society.738
Right 7(4) and legal justification for research without consent
- Research involving unconscious patients or those with diminished capacity to consent or refuse participation in the research differs from standard research because participants are unable to give informed consent.
- In general terms, an individual’s ability to give valid consent or to refuse to participate in research will depend on the person’s ability to understand what the research entails, provided they have been given sufficient information to make an informed decision. The degree of detail required will vary according to the needs of the individual patient and the complexity of the procedures involved. In particular, assessment of risk (an important part of decision- making in all forms of healthcare) takes on greater significance in this sphere, since research can involve a degree of uncertainty of the risk involved.739
- In New Zealand, the requirement of informed consent to any health research is codified in the HDC Code, and is affirmed in human rights instruments.740 The Cartwright Report also intended that research participants should have access to the Health and Disability Commissioner process, to protect their rights.741
- The rights in the HDC Code extend to health and disability research, although the extent to which the HDC Code protects the interests of research participants is unclear because “health research” or “disability research” are not defined in the HDC Code or Act. 742 Research in which participants are unable to consent is not expressly contemplated under Right 7(4). Right 9 states:
The rights in this Code extend to those occasions when a consumer is participating in, or it is proposed that a consumer participate in, teaching or research.
- In addition, the HDC Code applies only to research involving provision of healthcare, so it does not apply to all relevant research, for example observational research, or non- therapeutic health and disability research carried out by people other than healthcare practitioners.743
- Right 7(4) sets out the legal position concerning research involving the treatment of patients who do not have capacity to consent, where there is no legally authorised person available to give consent: it provides an exception to the usual requirement for informed consent and gives decision-making powers to the clinician-investigator so long as they have taken the steps set out in Right 7(4), to reach the conclusion that participation in the research will be in the patient’s “best interests”.744 Right 7(4) can therefore be interpreted as authorising a decision to enrol a patient in research involving treatment, even though the consent of the patient or a substitute decision-maker has not been obtained. It provides a legal justification for research without consent, but only in some limited situations.
The problems with Right 7(4) of the HDC Code
- Right 7(4) sits within a list of protections for patients in Right 7, but it largely provides a defence to Code liability for researchers, rather than a safeguard for participants based on the common law doctrine of necessity.745 There will be situations where it cannot be said that the research is in the individual’s best interests, as often the point of research is not to benefit them but to benefit others in future who may be suffering from a similar condition.746
- The National Ethics Advisory Committee Guidelines for Intervention Studies (NEAC Guidelines) place legal responsibility for non-consensual studies under Right 7(4) with the investigator, not the ethics committee, reflecting the position that ethics committees have no power to rule on the law.747 The NEAC Guidelines stop short of stating that the law prohibits non-consensual studies.748 Moreover, the status of the NEAC Guidelines and their interface with the Standard Operating Procedures (referred to as procedural, not ethical guidance), to which ethics committees are to adhere, is unclear, as is how they assist ethics committees when considering research that might be justified under Right 7(4).749
- The problems with relying on Right 7(4) in the context of non-consensual health research came to a head in 2014. In a letter to ethics committees, the Chief Legal Advisor to the Ministry of Health advised that the NEAC Guidelines for non-consensual studies “are intended for application only to studies that are ‘lawful’”.750 The effect of this directive has been to halt the process of ethics committees reviewing the ethics of a study, including risks and benefits, if participants are not able to give informed consent. Researchers are left in the invidious position of having to confirm the legality of the research based on their own assessment of what is in a person’s individual best interests (and implicitly of the risks) under Right 7(4). As Manning says, “researchers are being forced to run the gauntlet of the law.”751
The PPPR Act – limitation on powers of substitute decision-makers to consent
- Where the person concerned is incapable of giving consent to healthcare, in the context of research, the first requirement of Right 7(4) is that a clinician-investigator attempt to obtain informed consent from someone entitled to give consent on the person’s behalf, such as a welfare guardian appointed by the court or an attorney appointed under an EPOA, who has the authority to make health decisions on the person’s behalf (a substitute decision-maker). The problem, however, is that section 18(1)(f) of the PPPR Act prevents such a substitute decision-maker from giving a legally effective consent to: 752
any medical experiment other than one to be conducted for the purpose of saving that person’s life or preventing serious damage to that person’s health.
This rule prevents the substitute decision-maker consenting to research participation on behalf of the person for whom they act, except in very limited situations. The paramount consideration of a welfare guardian is the promotion and protection of the welfare and best interests of the person for whom they are acting.753 It is not to authorise enrolment of the person in research for the purpose of benefiting other people in future. But Right 7(4) may permit them to give substitute consent to research on a person that is carried out in an emergency department or ICU within a hospital where the treatment or new drug being studied is considered the best treatment or option available.754 This is because the treatment being trialled might save that person’s life or prevent serious damage to their health, so providing substitute consent would not be prevented by section 18(1)(f).
- These provisions on substitute consent to research under the PPPR Act are outdated. They do not take into account the broad range of health and disability research conducted beyond the clinical environment of emergency treatment, and they substantially limit the powers of others to consent to the inclusion in research of a person who lacks capacity to consent, in situations where their participation would be ethically justified. In the emergency setting, where the patient may be unconscious, there may also be difficulty in identifying whether the person has an appointed substitute decision-maker or not.755
Individual best interests and societal benefit
- If no substitute decision-maker is available, Right 7(4)(a) requires the clinician-investigator, having taken the steps to ascertain the views of the person or others required by Right 7(4), to reach the conclusion that participation in the research will be in the person’s “best interests”. This includes a clinical assessment by the clinician-investigator that there is a need for treatment to proceed, and, in the case of research, confirmation that the research is in the best interests of the individual concerned.
- The dual roles of the clinician-investigator can divert attention from the ethical conflict involved in both caring for the patient and potentially enrolling them in a study that may expose them to unacceptable risks.756 Other than applying the “best interests” test to the proposed treatment, Right 7(4) does not give the investigator any guidance on how to address this conflict of roles and requires the investigator to make the decision whether or not to enrol the patient in the research in the absence of independent advice or oversight.
- More often than not, it is not known in advance whether research will be in the best interests of the person, even though the research may subsequently prove to be beneficial and is not known to be harmful. In some research, there may be “clinical equipoise”, where there is genuine uncertainty in the expert medical community over whether a treatment will be beneficial.757 An argument can also be made that there is an “inclusion benefit” in clinical trials: by simply participating in a trial, the participants get more attention and monitoring than similar patients being treated in the same institution who are not involved in research.758
- There is an important distinction between research that is undertaken in a situation where a therapeutic intervention is needed (and the most promising treatment available is provided),759 compared to research where the alternative treatment is less likely to benefit the patient (for example, receiving a placebo in a randomised clinical trial),760 or where the new treatment being trialled is no more than equivalent to the standard treatment (“non-inferiority clinical trials”).761 In the former situation, there is likelihood of direct benefit to the individual, whereas in the latter situations there may only be societal benefits resulting from the research. Such research may still be ethically justified, but it may not be in the best interests of the individual participating in the research, as required under Right 7(4).
Some examples
RE-VERSE-AD: Right 7(4) applied where the treatment being researched was in the individual’s best interests, even though the investigator had both clinical and research roles
- This multi-centre clinical study was testing the efficacy and safety of a drug designed to reverse the blood-thinning effects of an anticoagulant drug to reduce the risk of bleeding. It received ethical approval on the basis that the research could be lawfully justified under Right 7(4).762 Prior to the study, patients on the anticoagulant had limited options available to control bleeding. Some of these patients were in a life-threatening emergency situation and required immediate surgical or medical intervention to manage their bleeding.763 In the large majority of cases in this study, no substitute decision-maker was available for the investigator to consult under Right 7(4).764 As there was potential to reverse a serious, life-threatening condition with the best treatment available, the principal investigator was able to confirm to the ethics committee that the research was in the best interests of individual participants, and so to proceed would meet the criteria under Right 7(4).
- The study has been successful, with a significant number of “unconsentable” patients enrolled who had positive medical outcomes. In this way, New Zealand researchers have played a major role in globally demonstrating that the study drug is effective and safe.765
- At the outset of this study, the principal investigator initiated the practice of seeking a second opinion from another doctor not directly involved in the study (a “disinterested colleague”) on the enrolment of a patient, when this would be justified under Right 7(4). The investigator explains the ethical conflict as follows:766
In cases where the decision as to whether treatment is in the patient’s interests rests predominantly on the clinician, the clinician’s judgment can be coloured by the wish to recruit patients to the trial. Even in cases where no bias is present, the possibility of perception of bias leading to an error of medical judgment cannot be excluded.
CLEMATIS study: Randomised control trial, justified ethically by the societal benefit; exclusion of adults as research not in their best interests, but not children with parental consent
- When the benefits to an individual are less clear, or there is no imminent risk to health or safety that can be mitigated by the intervention, research participation is unlikely to be justified in terms of Right 7(4). The CLEMATIS study was a multi-centred clinical trial investigating a drug intended to enhance cognition and learning in people with Down syndrome. Approval for the study was initially declined, based on legal advice that it was not clear that the proposed research would be in the best interests of the participants.767
- The application was resubmitted in July 2014 and was given approval for children whose parents could give consent for participation and for adults who had the capacity to give informed consent.768 Ethical approval was declined for adults with Down syndrome who lacked capacity to consent, even though the drug could not effectively be tested in persons without Down syndrome.
- The ‘necessity’ principle in research, as it applies to children, is that research should only be carried out on children if comparable research with adults could not answer the same question.769 The decision to allow for substituted consent in one vulnerable population (children), but not to extend it to adults who lack capacity undermines this ethical principle and discriminates between two vulnerable groups.770 Under Right 7(4) no account can be taken of wider societal benefits of the research, or of the fact that this particular study drug was aimed at providing treatment for people affected by Down syndrome, even though the study had been approved for adults in eight countries,771 including meeting the standards of the Clinical Trial Regulations in the United Kingdom.772
Proposal to amend Right 7(4) of the HDC Code
- In the absence of clear legislative direction, these examples highlight the problematic terms of Right 7(4) when applied to research with participants unable to consent. Accordingly, in 2009, Commissioner Paterson recommended a change to Right 7(4) that might permit more research on unconscious or incompetent patients, provided the research was approved by an ethics committee.773 The recommendation was that Right 7(4)(a) should be amended so as to justify healthcare proceeding where:
It is in the best interests of the consumer, or in the case of research, is not known to be contrary to the best interests of the consumer and has received the approval of an ethics committee.
- This proposed amendment (introducing the “not known to be contrary to” formula) in effect sets a lower threshold for establishing what is in a patient’s best interests. The double negative formulation used does not guide ethics committees as to what factors they should take into account, however, in deciding what is not harmful (and not contrary) to the interests of research participants, or whether the assessment of best interests can consider benefits over and above direct benefits to an individual. It also continues to confuse the role of Right 7(4), a justification for proceeding with treatment in limited circumstances, with the need to have adequate safeguards in place for research participants.
- In the 2014 review of the HDC Code, Commissioner Hill did not revisit the 2009 recommendation for changes to Right 7(4).774 What is required is separate legislation that would provide similar protections for research participants who lack capacity as are found in the MCA, and in the Adults with Incapacity (Scotland) Act 2000.